Thursday, March 15, 2007

letters to nobody....just emptying the clutter.

I don't care which way the time change swings, it messes with your body clock.

I'm accustomed to going to bed around 11, so when midnight rolls around, I'm just starting to wind down.  It caught up with me last night, though, and I was out like a light before 8:30. 

My boss, who knows everything about everything that ever happened, existed, or will happen in the future and how to make a phone book better than the phone company, asserts that daylight savings time originated in europe.  it may have, i'm not so fascinated by the topic that I've been spurred to research.  All I know is, I wish the time would be left one way or the other.

Perhaps it's the static jet lag, but I am in a strange mood this week.  I feel a bit detached.  Others have said - you seem a bit distracted.  Nooooo, I'm not distracted.  I'm concentrating on getting my work done, preparing for the Big Inspection that's coming up (we were told to clear out desk drawers of stuff that isn't Kosher - like what? ketchup packets?).

 I admit, when I first came back to the hospital, I discovered that all the "real" scissors had been confiscated and replaced with safety scissors - which is understandable.  It IS  a prison.  But while rummaging through my new/old desk drawer, I found REAL scissors.  Scared the hell out of me.  What if we should have an inspection and they discovered the contraband cutting instrument in my desk drawer?  I was all about turning them in when my boss said - no, don't.  Keep them!  BULL.  I locked them in the closet, wrapped up and hidden under a few boxes and ink pens.  I should have wiped my fingerprints off.

But I am in a strange kind of mood.  I just want to get my work done.  I don't care to hear the word "stupid" used to describe a situation, a person, or a task.  I don't want to hear the names of people I like/respect being used in denigrating sentences that go on  and on and on...and I'm struggling to remain positive. 

Y'know, I like people, mostly.  There is something good in almost everybody, and it isn't that hard to feel respect, and to realize that there are aspects of their jobs that 1. I don't know about.  2.  Are none of my business.  And it isn't fair for anyone presume or proclaim that other departments do nothing all day.  How could anyone know?

It could be a lot worse.  A LOT worse.  So I'll wash my hair, do my makeup, go to work and seem to be distracted all day.  For all anyone else knows or presumes to know, I could be in a zone where negativity does not affect me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hummm I like this journal more then I Have Tea. You have such a good out look on life. Paula