Tuesday, March 13, 2007


i am so tired.

if i could call in, i would, but don't want to use up hours that will be needed later when my parents will need me to take that time for them.

and there's so much that needs doing.  finish the transcription.  get ready for the inspection.  fill out applications.  get charts ready to send to health services.  do the filing.  help ms. horton.  i swear, carol would run the woman to death.

but it's so hard to get going.  some days, i feel every bit of my age + some.   yet, 48 isn't old...not TOO old.  is it?

gotta get ready to go.  damn it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your SN and have seen you comment on Mary's (frankandmary).  No, 48 CAN"T be too old:)   I'm 45.5 and sure hope to love being 48 myself when it comes.:)  I'll read more (scanning some tonight).  I think I like it here.  -- Robin