Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Dogs

woke me at 5 a.m. - perfect timing.  I don't even know if it was my dogs, but it scared the hell out of me and George, too.

At any rate, it's Tuesday.  Only 3 more days until my interview, and you know...I don't care if I get the job or not.  Monica, who drives me nuts (there are very few people who drive me nuts, but she is one of them because of her incessant chatter and she knows everything about everything), came rushing to where I was transcribing, burst into the room, interrupted Dr. E in the midst of a very complicated-to-interpret term and said - "You didn't tell me you had applied for the position!"  She has an interview, too, and has made it her business to eavesdrop outside of doors to find out who else is on the list.

No, I didn't tell ANYbody, because it's nobody's business but mine.  But through Monica, I have become aware of who is in the in-house interviews, whether I wanted to know or not. 

I like the ladies who are on the list.  One of them is miserable in her current position, and I wish her well.  When Monica heard that particular woman was going to interview, she ran to the HTMA and said she might withdraw because she wanted that lady to get the job.

That was sweet, but you know what?  I figure that if someone else is right for the job, my interview won't make a bit of difference.  The job is already theirs.

In the meantime, Monica is plying the HTMA with cake and picking up his mail, having decided she won't withdraw, after all.

And in the meantime, she was in my little transcription cave, keeping me from doing my work by spouting off about the upcoming questionfest, and she said - I'm enjoing this little competition between us all.

I looked her dead in the eye and told her - I'm not competing with you.

And I'm not.  I have an interview on Friday.  I will answer their questions and ask some of my own, but I'm not particular about the job.  The only reason I applied was because I thought I could be of use there, and if one of the other ladies gets the job, I will be thrilled for them.

Even Monica.  I guess.

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