Monday, August 27, 2007


What is this horrid thing called Monday but a cruel joke perpetrated by whichever of the gods the days of the week were named for?  Actually, the Greeks named the days after the sun and moon and planets - which were all given the names of Greek Gods.  Monday is Moon's day - hemera selenes.  Makes sense.  I want to sleep when the moon is about.

Friday, on the other hand, is the day of Aphrodite.  Freya - the Teutonic godess of love.  There must be something to this.  I love Fridays.  I adore Fridays and live for them. 

Saturday is hemera Khronu, day of Cronus, who was worshiped as a harvest deity.  Makes a little sense...We toil all week, hemera selenes through day of Aphrodite.  The harvest most of us reap is Day of Cronus.  Oh, how i long for it this instant!

I Do Not Want To Go.


Anonymous said...

How interesting!  J

Anonymous said...

Never noticed you had another journal until today. I love Mondays but then if I had a job I would probably like Fridays too. I just like the feeling of a fresh start every week not that one Monday is that much different then any other Monday in my life. I'm not saying that is bad either. Paula